Navan Freeware

All freeware is supplied on an 'as-is" basis.

  • Navan Job Accounting (NJA)

Job Accounting is a standard function of the iSeries operating system; supplied by IBM as a means of automatically obtaining 'raw' data on who is using your system, and to what extent.


However, as supplied it is not really usable unless the data gathered is processed into some more meaningful form. This is the purpose of the NJA - to collate the data into a set of database files from which it can be manipulated; and then to provide tools to process the data.


NJA is an Accounting (financial) tool - it will generate financial documents (invoices) from the information gathered. However, once the information is loaded into NJA files it can be processed by any user method (programs, query, SQL etc) into any management reporting format you require.   

For a more complete overview of the NJA product, please click here

To view the complete NJA User Guide please click here 

To download the utility please click here  

  • Object Auditing Facility (ObjAudit)

The Object Auditing Facility was created as a means of keeping track of where all of your disk space is being used. Also, when it all seems to have disappeared, you can use the facility to track down the culprits. As supplied it can provide a lot of meaningful information that you can start to use, and act upon, straight away. As an added extra you are provided with all source code for the facility, so you can build in your own corporate requirements. 


To view the complete ObjAudit User Guide please click here 


To download the utility please click here   


  • User Profile Exceptions Reporting

User Profile Exceptions Reporting is a tool to assist in identifying User Profiles that may need attention; such as disabled, damaged or expired profiles.


To view the complete User Guide please click here 


To download the utility please click here